digdat Utilities

Keep your assets safe
With digdat Utilities, you can provide invaluable information on all your assets, both underground and overground, ensuring they are protected from asset strikes. Includes easy to use admin tools that can be used to manage who can access your data and when.
For statutory users, we offer an API to automate the process of the creation of plots, ensuring a more streamlined and cost-effective process.
If you are already registered with digdat Utilities, you can log in here. You can also follow this link to register.
Facilitates statutory - unlimited free access, and non-statutory - unlimited access to asset plans with secure payment, access.
Instantly search, view and print maps.
Avoid financial and reputational risk from unnecessary third party asset strikes.
Allows easy integration of your asset data with geospatial data to accurately map your assets.

Get in touch
If you'd like more information about our services or would like a demo, please get in touch.